Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fort Worth Stock Show

Last Friday I went to the 114th annual Fort Worth Stock show and rodeo. It was opening day, and crowds of people dressed in cowboy hats and boots were filing in for the festivities.

Banners above the rodeo arena displayed flags that had flown over the state of Texas, to honor the state's past and present.

Meg the cow's owners were happy to feed it some hay so I could get this shot.

This longhorn lived up to his name, and tried to take a poke at me when I got close to it.

This is my favorite shot of the day.

This adorable calf was on display in the Bordens exhibit in the showroom.

The stock show included a carnival, which lit up after the sun set.

The rodeo began with a bang, as horses burst through the stall carrying the six flags of Texas.

As I was editing these pictures, I realized that it was my first shoot of 2010. A lot has changed in the last year, and I'm looking forward to what the new year will bring.

Thanks for looking!